November 1, 2020
News-cation ends, trump-cation starts
News-cation is over. Now begins trump-cation, with unfortunate collateral damage.
When I checked my RSS news feeds this morning, I found 5,199 unread stories. I figured I could ignore the folder with the world news feeds, and avoid infecting myself with the latest from the Idiot-in-Chief.
Unfortunately, he has a way of seeping into other feeds as well. Daring Fireball, a blog by John Gruber about Apple and technology, slips in several examples his president's idiotic behaviour, including edge cases that might might not be covered by mainstream outlets.
I hate the idea of deleting this feed, because Gruber has a lot of great insights, but I'm going to have to do it — at least for a few more months.
Another feed that will have to go is The Atlantic. This outlet provides intelligent in-depth analysis of the news, but unfortunately delves into topics such as the pathology of the Orange One. That's a dark place I do not want to know about.
Ideally, I would be able to filter my feeds based on a key word. Feedly offers this service, but wants $12 a month for it.
Update: I found siftrss — a free service you don't even have to sign up for.